care direct

Coalition for Marriage petition up to 67,000 signatures in less than two weeks!

As reported in Impact Direct last week, in light of the Government's stated intention to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples, CARE and other concerned individuals and organisations have launched a campaign and petition calling on the Government to retain the traditional definition of marriage as being the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.

In less than two weeks the online petition has attracted 67,000 signatures!  This is fantastic news but only the beginning of what we hope will constitute a decisive call on the Government to listen to the public and change their stance as they prepare to launch a consultation in the coming weeks on how, not whether to redefine marriage.

What can you do?

-          If you haven't already, please sign the petition and encourage friends, family, church members and leaders to get involved too

-          Visit the website for the latest news and updates

-          Follow C4M on twitter (CARE is on twitter too)

-          Pray