
Churches in Bristol support national campaign
to tackle hunger


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Additional info: Photo of the event (across) photo credit: Chris DobsonIf candle pic 2   

Bristolians are taking action on global hunger as part of an exicting new campaign.

They are angry because the world produces enough food for everyone but not everyone has enough food. The IF Campaign aims to change all that.

In 2013, a coalition of 100 charity, faith and community groups, including Christian Aid, Cafod, Tearfund, The Fairtrade Foundation, Oxfam and others, have joined together to make this year the beginning of the end for global hunger.

Activists from churches across the region demonstrated their solidarity with the IF campaign by holding candles, standing in the shape of an IF, whilst at “Our Daily Bread” Global Aware Conference last week.

About 100 members of local churches across the Bristol region spent the day delving into issues raised by the IF campaign, and were challenged by Revd Joel Edwards, International Director of Micah Challenge, to see Jesus in the poor and hungry, as outlined in his words in Matthew 25: “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”.

IF calls on Prime Minister David Cameron to use the UK’s G8 presidency in 2013 to take action on the root causes of hunger in the poorest countries. The campaign challenges him to tackle 4 big IFs -there is enough food for everyone:

  • IF we stop poor farmers being forced off their land, and use the available agricultural land to grow food for people, not biofuels for cars.


  • IF governments keep their promises on aid, invest to stop children dying from malnutrition and help the poorest people feed themselves through investment in small farmers.


  • IF governments close loopholes to stop big companies dodging tax in poor countries, so that millions of people can free themselves from hunger.


  • IF we force governments and investors to be honest and open about the deals they make in the poorest countries that stop people getting enough food.

To pressurise our leaders to make these big IFs happen and ensure there’s enough food for everyone, join us at www.enoughfoodif.org