What Can Christian Workplace Groups Do in and around their Regular Meetings? 

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So you've followed the process of starting a group described here. You know a number of Christians in your company or organisation who want to meet together, but what kind of things should the group do at its regular meetings? 
Transform Work UK believes that CWGs exist primarily to be Jesus' light in the workplace, and to its people, and that the group's main aim should be to be a positive, Godly influence within the organisation. A CWG is not a 'church' in the workplace. Group members should always be encouraged to be part of a local church, and worship corporately and receive personal discipleship there. While the workplace group should always look out for the needs of its members, and support them in prayer when required, the prime calling on the group is to look outwards and be a blessing to the organisation, in whatever way God is calling them.
What a group does during its regular weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meeting, should have this as its core aim. Below (on the full resources page: Click Here) we list and explain a range of different activities which CWGs can do during or around their regular meetings. More details can be found at the links for each item. 

Remember that it is important to keep your managers and HR involved in what you are doing. In many cases your group's activities and the means by which you advertise them will require permission from senior managers and HR. Make sure that you discuss what you want to do first, not after the event!

Some key points:
  • Prayer, praying for the company/organisation and into God's calling on the group, should always be at the heart of everything the group does
  • The group should always remain open and welcoming to enquirers and newcomers, even those not of the Christian faith 
  • The group should always accommodate Christians from the full range of traditions, denominations and backgrounds

Source: http://transformworkuk.org/Groups/249549/Transform_Work_UK/Resources_Groups/Ideas_for_Group/Ideas_for_Group.aspx