A Review of Food Poverty Response in Bristol 2014

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A recent report released by the 5K Partnership provides a review of food poverty across Bristol, reflecting the position in 2014. The report also provides case studies of 3 other UK cities (Cardiff, Coventry and Sheffield) where city-wide food poverty initiatives are in operation. These case studies provide valuable information from which Bristol can learn, along with some ideas for possible future developments. It is clear from this report that partnership between food aid providers and a more joined up, city-wide approach to tackling food poverty is beneficial to larger cities such as Bristol.
The 5K Partnership is a Bristol based umbrella organisation built on the principle of cooperation. It provides a context for existing organisations working in the area of food poverty to improve the support provided for some of the most vulnerable people across Bristol and the surrounding areas. Each of the member organisations is already making an impact, but by working cooperatively and in unity, we will be able to do even more to combat food poverty across the city.

food poverty review
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