Report launch on faith group’s contribution to the community in the current financial situationsouth gloucestershire faith an


Dear colleague

Launch of report on faith group’s contribution to the community in the current financial situation – from 12pm-2pm, Thursday 7 July 2011, at Yate Parish Hall, Station Road, Yate BS37 4PQ

The South Gloucestershire Faith and Belief Forum would like to invite you to the launch of their report, which gauges the impact of financial cut backs on faith groups and local communities. The report also identifies the contribution faith groups are making and can make to the provision of community support services in the context of the current financial cut back in services.

We have all been made aware of the reduction in funding to local authorities and community organisations in the current financial climate. The South Gloucestershire Faith and Belief Forum commissioned the report to see how this was affecting the different communities of South Gloucestershire – the priority neighbourhoods, minority groups and rural areas in particular. Its recent Faith Audit had shown the important contribution faith groups make to their communities and we wanted to see how they are faring in the current economic climate.

The launch event will include a presentation on the report from Kathleen Eglington, the consultant engaged by the forum to research and write it. The Forum also intends to include some short presentations on their work from some of the faith groups featured in the report, Refreshments will be provided. Some on site parking is available and there is some unrestricted parking on Station Road. In addition, the Yate Shopping Centre car park is only 5-10 minutes walk from the venue.

Our report is addressed to the wider society of public bodies, community organisations and of course faith groups themselves. We very much hope you can join us. To book, please fill in and return it to the Forum at the address below.


Booking form available: Click Here