Voice something you’re passionate about on the radiopremier christian radio

What would you say if you were given the opportunity to talk on Premier Drive Show for 2 minutes?

From Mid-April, we will be giving Church leaders the opportunity to talk about subjects that are important to them and their local communities.

If you are interested, please send us 3 topics you would like to talk about as soon as possible. Our Drive time producers will contact you to discuss the topics further  and you will both take it from there. Subject can vary from your local food bank, to homelessness in your borough, to benefit concerns, to children welfare etc…

These two minutes on air will:

- give you the opportunity to voice something that you’re passionate about, and that you think our listeners really need to hear. Whether it be in the Church, in the World or in Life, we want to give you the chance to take the stage and voice it.

- give you a chance to promote your Ministry and Programmes live on Premier Christian Radio.

This 2 minute section on the Drive show is a new feature on this daily show. So, we will need 5 ministers a week on air. 

If you have further questions about this feature, please send me an email to or to

We look forward to hearing the exciting things you and your community are up to. Thank you for your time.