A Chocolatey Workplace Prayer Group Story

easter eggs
“We’re continuing to meet monthly for prayer in my department.  It’s not always possible, or appropriate, to keep the focus just on work matters but the group is thriving.  It’s publicised every few months and we have had requests for prayer from colleagues.
The founder of our department’s group now works in a different building and she has started, along with others, an organisation wide staff prayer group that meets monthly.  I’ve only been able to attend once so far but the time I went it was good.  What I found was that by mentioning one organisation related issue others were able to think of organisation related matters for prayer and not just personal concerns.        
We’ve been inspired by the Transform notice on the Christchurch service sheet to do something for Easter at work and after some discussion we’ve bought small chocolate eggs and, with the permission of our department manager, this week we’ll leave a basket of them on each floor of our building.  There will be a notice on each basket saying:
The Prayer Group invite you to enjoy a chocolate egg in celebration of the Christian festival of Easter
On Good Friday Christians remember and reflect on Christ's crucifixion, and on Easter Sunday they celebrate His resurrection to new life.
We decided not to send an explanatory e-mail as folk were concerned this could be too intrusive so these could be described as ‘stealth eggs’ or an act of random kindness.  Food always goes down well in our department and it will also be a reminder/explanation of the meaning of Easter for Christians”