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Scripture, Theology and Culture course

Müllers resources ministry through the Scripture, Theology & Culture (STC) course. This course, which has been running for over 20 years, is an opportunity to cultivate deep theological roots, thereby developing more fruitful lives.

Throughout the course, we seek to Encounter Jesus, Examine the Bible, Explore Theology, Evaluate Presuppositions and Engage with Culture.

The course aims to feed the heart as well as the mind, so each day starts with a time of worship and prayer before the teaching, which is delivered by Müllers' staff and qualified practitioners from the Bristol region.

We aim to maintain an academic rigour while being interactive and participative in teaching style. There is also the opportunity to receive an accreditation certificate in Scripture, Theology and Culture at either Level 3 or Level 4.

The course is free, and open to all, regardless of their prior educational achievement.

September to June
Tuesdays 9.15am - 4pm
Müllers, 45-47 Loft House, BS7 9FG

To register interest, or if you have any questions, please email or .

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Posted: April 2024